Nyandarua's County talent search.

A multitude of young men and women braved hostile weather to flock to Engineer Stadium in Gathara Ward, Kinangop Sub-County, for His Excellency Governor (Dr.) Moses N. Badilisha Kiarie’s ongoing quest for Nyandarua’s finest talent.
Clad in trench coats, heavy jackets and umbrellas, the youth put their best feet forward in song, dance and other art forms, leaving the parents and guardians who had accompanied them yearning for more.
Successful participants from each Sub-County will battle for the grand prize at the County level.
County Executive Committee Member for Youth Empowerment, Sports, and Arts Hon. Catherine Gitau said talents discovered will be supported by the Governor through marketing and monetization.
She further rallied men and women gifted in soccer and volleyball to register for the highly coveted Badilisha Super Cup, which starts on April 14 in each of Nyandarua’s 25 wards.
Present were Chief Officers Mr. Edward Kigo (Youth Empowerment, Sports and Arts) and Ms. Njeri Njoroge (Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources), alongside nominated Member of the County Assembly Hon. Patrick Muhindi and Engineer Municipal Manager Ms. Njoki Gatuhi.